Monday, June 4, 2007

Sister or Wedding Cake?

Hi folks, we have hardly had time to pee never mind update the blog. So where were we?..oh yes in Paris. Spent the last couple of days inside museums and shops as the weather turned very wet, constant rain for 36 hours. The highlight would have to be a trip to the Musee d’Orsay to see the collection of paintings, sculpture and furnishings of the early 20th century. The building itself is an architectural masterpiece, previously a railway station built for the same Paris Expo that the Eiffel Tower was built for. Now it has been refitted into a stunning museum….see the pics!

Our last morning we spent climbing to the top of the Arc d Triomphe and a spot of shopping on the Champs Elysees before jumping onto the EuroStar back to London. It was all in all a very nice trip to gay Paris.

Back in London for three days shopping and dinners with friends (thank you Ray, Reggie, Nassem & Grant for the fantastic food!) before getting onboard yet another train. This time a journey up the east coast of England to Scotland where my sister Debbie was to be married in Edinburgh.

A lot of the Montgomery/Roden clan came across for the wedding too which gave us an opportunity to catch up with some of the relations we hadn’t seen, and I am glad to see that they are all looking great and haven’t lost any of the lunacy they are famed for! Who rocked the dance floor till the wee small hours???

The wedding and the reception were both held in the Queen Anne Rooms at Edinburgh Castle. A magnificent place for the two young things to tie the knot. For those who don’t know, my sister Debbie married Simon Tasker and they both looked absolutely gorgeous! Her in her big meringue wedding dress and Simon in his Royal Marines uniform (how did he get those boots so shiny, Debs, did you polish then for him?…lol).

80% of the guests were of Northern Irish/Scots decent so you can imagine the carnage once the formalities were through with and rugs got rolled back. Special mention goes out to all the ladies for flying the flag!

Today it was up for a relaxed breakfast, onto the train for the return trip to London and packing for the flight back to Perth on Monday evening..phew!


Harvey said...

Good Piccies Misters M & J. Love the wedding pic atop the castle. Was there a fight over the nationality of whiskey/whisky served?

You'll be back in time for my exhibition opening on June 17! Just a quick flight from Perth to Adelaide, hire car to Burra, see the show, and then private jet from some airstip nearby back to Perth. Could be done in a day!

I suspect Ms Westwood's shop will need to restock their range of T-shirts with naughty words and pictures on the front after your visit?


Unknown said...

Roll up the carpet. Bet you did. Great stuff you two. Congrats to the happy couple. Thank you so much for the card. Just me, I still can't stop laughing. Nice hair, Monty. Hahahahahahaha! Petey xx

Unknown said...

I had a crash this morning. Hit a car up the arse. The driver got out and he was a dwarf! he said, "I'm not happy..." I said "Well which one are you then?" Have a nice day. Looking forward to seeing you. Love petey x