Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Greetings From Queenstown (Where Else?)

Hi Folks,
Arrived safely into Christchurch, NZ, avoided the kerfuffle of the previous days hi-jacking attempt by a crazy Somali woman. After a two night stay at the fabulous ‘Dorothys’ guest house we picked up the hire car and drove 450kms up the east coast to Nelson via Blenheim. Beautiful rugged coastline, as the road weaved inland and out over the ‘flat bit’. Not really, it felt like driving through the French Alps, one hairpin bend after another. Took a lot of concentration and much longer than we expected.

Nelson is a nice town, with the ugliest Cathedral in NZ, it has to be seen to be believed. Its saving grace is some very nice stained glass. All was going well until disaster struck not once but twice!

No.1 My flaming iPod died and it looks like it is terminal. What made it worse is that I didn’t bring a back-up of CD’s. Fortunately I managed to find some choice 1970’s compilations (not original artists) and a splendid Doris Day CD at a roadhouse..well they were $10 each..whaddya want!

No.2 We got bitten by mozzies (or so we thought) on our first sleep in Nelson to discover the culprits the following night not long after tucking in…BED BUGS. I must have 30-40 bites that are slowly swelling up and itching like hell, all over my body, Jim didn’t fair so badly although he hardly slept the second night. We didn’t have anywhere else to go so we had to suffer with them the second night too. Ewwwwwwwwww

Anyhoo, enough of that. Yesterday (Wed) we drove down to Hokitika on the West Coast to stay overnight with our friends CJ & Drew. They moved there last May to run one of the cafes in the little seaside town. It was fantastic to catch up with them again. Thanks boys for the hospitality.

Today, 14th February is a special day, Jim’s birthday and to celebrate we are now in Queenstown and will be going out to a nice posh place for dinner. First impressions of Queenstown are that it’s a very nice place…we will be using here as a base over the next 5 days and I will fill you in when we have had a proper look around.

Until then..Happy Valentines Day to all you hopeless romantics!


Unknown said...

Bed bugs? They do seem to be making a comeback, like flared trousers half-way up the calf. We should ban them both. Happy Birthday, Sweetpea! Petey xx

Desmondorama said...

OMG Monty, bedbugs! How awful for you - they're my worst nightmare.

Love your improvisation of music - 70's disco covers and Doris Day!

Happy birthday to Jim.

Keep up the blog - love reading it as always.



Unknown said...

Yo boys, well there you are ensconced in NZ. N-joying the sheep I suppose. Sure it wasn't sheep bugs & not bed bugs??? Happy B'day Gym, on Valentines day too, well done. I can send you some ABBA & Kate Bush if you like. Stevie's offering Zydeco. Steve's had a sex party in your house with the TAFE scrubbers. Your beds a bit messy but I'll try to get the stains out before you get back. Was the bathroom window broken???

Unknown said...

Oh, & BTW, we're having a VW party in your house tonight. The theme is VW so Steve's got your Vivienne Westwood out of it's frame & replaced it with a Boogie Bugs T-shirt. Steve's wearing the VW as a skirt, he wanted it skimpy so we had to get the scissors to it. Looks good on, maybe not so good off. Miss Max has just thrown up in your bed, she'll be cleaning that up in the morning. N-joy your holidays from all of us.

Harvey said...

Oh dear - Dead iPod! Pick up a copy of '5,000 Truckin' Favourites' at the next roadhouse!

Love the pic of the pink cinema.

Keep havin' fun.

Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!

Myra said...

Happy Birthday Jim, same about the Beg Bugs & on V Day too :-). Well at least you had Monty LOL. Take care boys love the pics and the Blog, Myra

Myra said...

sorry Bed Bugs